January 11, 2022
Throughout the psalms, the original songs of worship, we read about God being our dwelling place. Those words probably spoke deeply to the Israelites. And they remain true. God is our dwelling place. God is our place of refuge. So why do we still experience so much adversity here, and how do we take refuge in God?
October 26, 2021
Many of us have heard the phrase, “If the shoe fits, wear it.” The same goes for Bible studies. What is the best Bible Study “fit” for you? What is the best Bible study for your small group? I have always looked for specific, concrete answers to these questions.
September 14, 2021
How did they get through such loss? By continually reminding themselves of God’s promise of a better possession. Their faith was strengthened by the courage and confidence required of them in trials. When we aren’t forced to stand strong publicly for the faith, it’s actually easier to fall away.
August 17, 2021
Though fear binds us to death, Jesus is the key that releases us from those chains. His empathy for our fear and deep understanding of our humanity allow him to take us from the prison of death into loving intimacy with God. Because his empathy is the key to intimacy, God works through Jesus to draw us closer to him.