Our Purpose is to renew Christian communities with a gospel-centered, heart-changing curriculum.
The Christian Life Trilogy is a three-part series of small group Bible studies designed to reflect upon the Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ. The heart of the Christian life is rooted in these three redemptive acts. Through them, Jesus enables and equips followers to carry His love and forgiveness into the world.
Come encounter A LIVING HOPE that will never fail… Peter’s first letter is full of...
The Christian Life Trilogy Campaign Kit is a formation tool for the church and the...
$34.99 $44.99
Draw Near: Hebrews on Christian Worship is a Bible study intended to lead participants into...
$44.97 $59.97
Words are powerful.The words of Jesus, especially so.This unique Lenten curriculum provides a space in...
$44.97 $59.97
The Spirit-Filled Life: All the Fullness of God A study for the season of Pentecost...
$44.97 $59.97
The Resurrected Life: Making All Things New A study for the season of Easter. New...
$100.00 $149.90
Throughout Scripture, we read of God’s promises to his people. Starting with Adam and Eve...
Light. Love. Authenticity. Assurance. Do you desire more of these in your life? In this six-week...
Light. Love. Authenticity. Assurance. Do you desire more of these in your life? In this six-week...
Most people think of Advent as a warm-up to Christmas, but actually, it's the other...
$224.91 $249.99
“See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” That was the Ethiopian eunuch’s...
$224.91 $249.99
Our honest prayer before God is evidence that we understand the ways He loves, cherishes, sees,...
The Book of Exodus is one of the greatest love stories ever told. God is...