Who Is This Jesus, That Even the Wind and Sea Obey Him?

June 23, 2021 4 Comments

Who Is This Jesus, That Even the Wind and Sea Obey Him?

“And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, ‘Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?’” - Mark 4:41

Imagine you are enjoying a relaxing day at sea. The sun is shining, the skies are blue, and you are surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. The presence of close friends makes the experience even richer as you share stories, laughter, and fellowship. What an ideal day! Until dark clouds begin to gather, the wind starts to howl, and the once-calm water turns choppy. Waves crash into the boat, filling it, and you are suddenly in danger of sinking!

Jesus and the disciples experienced just such a day. After a glorious time of ministry, they set out for the other side of the Sea of Galilee. New people and new ministry opportunities awaited them there. Within a few minutes, however, the disciples’ joy and anticipation were replaced by alarm and anxiety. They were terrified of the devastating storm, of the churning sea, and of impending death. Consumed by fear, they woke Jesus with a somewhat accusatory question: “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38).

With just three words, Jesus changed everything. The storm vanished as quickly as it appeared, and peace returned to the Sea of Galilee. Not only was there a shift in the weather but in the disciples as well. They moved away from fear of the storm and into fear of the one who had just calmed it. Healthy fear replaced unhealthy fear. As the author of all creation, Jesus was never out of control. He longed for the disciples to understand that his presence changed everything. He would provide all they needed to endure and overcome any storm, literal or figurative. Jesus was building their faith in who he is and what he can do, preparing them for continued ministry after he ascended to the Father.

Lessons of faith for the disciples are always lessons for us. We too are called to shift our focus and our fear from the storms of this life to the one who has complete authority in heaven and earth. We too are to ask ourselves, “Who is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” (Mark 4:41). The answer is Jesus. The creator God. Our Savior. Our friend. The one who is present in every trial and assures us of the final victory. Through his death on the cross, Jesus overcame sin, death, Satan, and every evil force in this world. Through him, we also overcome. Paul wrote that we are not only overcomers through Christ, but we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). If we are to live into this victory, we must choose faith over fear.

Reflect and Respond:
How can you surrender your fear to the Lord today? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


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4 Responses


December 30, 2024

Jesus always rises to the occasion.
We need to trust Him implicitly and know that all is “well with our soul.”
Thank you for an excellent explanation.
God bless you.

Winston Arries
Winston Arries

November 01, 2023

How majestic You are in all the earth, that even the winds and seas obey You. We worship You, King Jesus.


May 24, 2023

I love the message of faith and how we are challenged not to look at the obstacles but to Jesus who can help us go through.
God bless you.

Alexander selvan
Alexander selvan

October 17, 2022

Thank u bro for messages about miracles of God how God helped all disciples they were on the boat
My faith was increasing by see Jesus God 100% as well is man 100%
How Amazing God we believers belive Jesus is mighty God living with us
From India Bangalore

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