What Overcomes the Fear of Death?

March 22, 2023

What Overcomes the Fear of Death?

What Overcomes the Fear of Death?

By Brooke Holt

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

One subject can clear a room or quiet even the most talkative of people – the subject of death. We all have this one thing in common. Every one of us will die, and none of us knows the day or hour.

Why can death clear or quiet a room? As the inevitable end to our earthly lives, it feels scary. It is unknown and out of our control. We can live the most careful lives, eat the healthiest of diets, and maintain regular visits to the doctor, but not one of those things can change the reality of death.

Thankfully, for Christians, death is not the end. In fact, earthly death marks the glorious day when believers will see Jesus face to face. It is a day when fear, sickness, challenge, and physical infirmity will come to an end. Nevertheless, death still invokes fear even in the most faithful.

In this psalm, King David contemplates his own death and yet does not seem to be overwhelmed by fear. What is the secret to his courage? David knows that God is with him and that even in the most overwhelming and frightening times, the Lord’s presence will comfort him.

When you get still and quiet and contemplate your own impending death, what stirs within you? Fear, denial, anxiety, hope, or peace? Maybe you feel a mixture of all these emotions. Take some time to feel the feelings and to bring them to the Lord. He is not afraid of your fear, denial, or anxiety. Rather, he is the very one who can meet you in those challenging emotions and lead you to experience hope and peace.

The Lord has promised to never leave nor forsake his people. You are his beloved child! He will be present with you throughout every day of your life and will be present as you “walk through the valley of the shadow of death” (Psalm 23:4).

Through the Holy Spirit, you can overcome fear, even the fear of death. God has you and will never let you go!


Spend some time bringing your thoughts, fears, and doubts to the Lord. Ask him to meet you where you are and to guide you through his Holy Spirit. Wait upon him today and allow his Spirit to breakthrough your fear of death and the unknown and lead you into his perfect peace. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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