How Do You Receive God’s Truth?

May 13, 2023 1 Comment

How Do You Receive God's Truth?

How Do You Receive God’s Truth?

By Brooke Holt

“Now when they heard these things they were enraged, and they ground their teeth at him. But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And he said, ‘Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Acts 7:54-56
Faithfulness to God does not always lead to success in this world. I know many of you reading this will nod your heads in agreement. However, a popular message circulates in parts of our Christian culture today proclaiming that following the Lord will bring prosperity, health, and happiness. Now I fully believe Jesus came to bring us life abundant and that faithfulness to him ultimately leads to that blessing and joy. It just may appear very differently than worldly success. God’s truth is not always well-received. Stephen’s martyrdom exemplifies this point.

Stephen was brought before a council where he was falsely accused of blasphemy against Moses and God. Stephen answered his accusers by recounting the history of Israel, and how Jesus was the appointed Messiah who was betrayed and crucified. The Sanhedrin heard the truth, and they continued to reject it. First, they rejected Jesus, and then they rejected Stephen. They were so enraged by Stephen’s words that they cast him out of the city where they stoned him to death.

In God’s mercy, while being accosted, Stephen saw the glory of God. The verse tells us that he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. The physical and emotional pain must have dissipated as the vision of glory appeared before him. Stephen knew he would be in that glory very soon, and he was able to see beyond the pain of his temporal situation and into the glory that awaited him.

Ironically, the very thing that comforted Stephen infuriated his oppressors. This truth of Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father could have saved them just as it did Stephen. They, too, could have the promise of God’s forgiveness, the Holy Spirit dwelling within them, and the assurance of eternal glory. Instead, their hearts were set on murder.

God’s truth brings comfort to those who receive it. This same truth enrages those who refuse it. Understandably, the truth of God is not always easy as it exposes darkness, sin, and misalignments in our hearts. However, when we get past our resistance and into repentance, we move into his comfort and peace. On the flip side, when we resist God’s truth, we often move into anger and hardness of heart. Where the acceptance of truth leads to life, peace, and healing, resistance to that truth leads to self-centeredness, unrest, and no transformation.

No matter how it is received, God’s truth remains the same. May you persevere in the way of Stephen knowing that eternal glory surpasses every temporal trial.


How do you receive God’s truth? Do you allow him to search you and know you? Is he revealing places within you that need his light, healing, and transformation? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Related Resource:

The Spirit-Filled Life

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit a "gift" who will guide us, lead us, and empower us. Yet many believers don't experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This unique Christian small group Bible study provides a space in which we can explore what it truly means to "walk in the Spirit" on a daily basis. The Spirit-Filled Life small group curriculum centers on a 6-part video teaching series examining the life-giving and creative work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Begin to experience the gift today!


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1 Response

Michael Wedman
Michael Wedman

May 13, 2023

Thank you for this inspirational message. Psalm 139:23-24 has become a part of my daily prayers as I ask for the Lord’s spirit to help me trust.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.

See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

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