Will You Draw Near to Jesus this Advent Season?

December 02, 2022

Will You Draw Near to Jesus this Advent Season?

Will You Draw Near to Jesus this Advent Season?

By Brooke Holt

“It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come, and say: ‘Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths’” (Isaiah 2:2-3).

Just imagine people of every nation, tribe, and tongue streaming to the mountain of the Lord. What a glorious image it is to envision and imagine when God’s people from all over the world are drawn to the Lord with a deep longing to know him and to be in his presence.

Isaiah was given this prophetic vision during a very dark time in the nation of Israel. Even most of the Israelites were not faithfully seeking and serving the Lord so how could one imagine all nations and all people coming to him? If the light had grown dull, how could others see and know?

Thankfully, God’s ways surpass our ways. He has a plan and a time when people from every nation will gather to worship the triune God. And notice how Isaiah describes this journey to the mountain of the Lord. It is not just a curious come and see but a genuine longing to be taught and to then walk in the ways of the Lord.

Oh, how I would love to see the truth of this passage today! Has this prophecy been fulfilled? Like much of the Old Testament prophecy, there is the “now but not yet” fulfillment. Part of this prophecy was fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as a river of humanity was drawn to him, drawn to his teaching, and drawn to his way of life.

The final fulfillment is still to come. When Jesus comes again, people from every nation will gather together around the throne worshiping the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

Advent is the reminder for you to climb that mountain of the Lord seeking to know him, to worship him, and to walk in his paths.


How is God calling you to come to the mountain this Advent season and who are you to invite to come with you? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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Honest Prayer

Our honest prayer before God is evidence that we understand the ways He loves, cherishes, sees, and hears us. Through prayer, we can acknowledge with Hagar, “You are the living One who sees me” (Genesis 16:14). When we pray, we are affirming the same. Why do we often hide from this privilege? Why do we avoid God, the One who sees us as we are and stands ready to provide and answer us in his holy, timely way? In this 8-week study on the prayers of Job, Ruth, Hannah, and David, grow your prayer life by facing your honest need and bringing your whole self before God. Acknowledging God as the One who guides your path can change your heart. It can take you past fear and into faith, strength, and hope.  Learn more about Honest Prayer


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