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Where Do You Hide?

March 29, 2022

Where do you hide?

Where Do You Hide?

By Brooke Holt

“Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. You are a hiding place from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:6–7)

Yesterday we read about two sides of King David’s experience. First, he grieved with pain and guilt over his sin. But then he rejoiced with God’s repentance and forgiveness. David shares his experience as a pattern for all of us. He urges all who will listen to follow his advice—and seek the Lord while he may be found. Along with David, you will find joy in God’s forgiveness. You will also find a great sense of safety.

While David attempted to hide his sin, he felt miserable and vulnerable. Yet, when David turned to the Lord and confessed his sin, he found freedom and the assurance of God’s presence and protection. Why don’t people talk about this anymore? There are so many excuses for sin and so much debate about whether God’s Word still applies to our modern age. If God never changes, why would his Word change with current events? Why would the application of his Word shift with public opinion?

In the hardness of our hearts, we love to justify ourselves. In our self-righteousness, we may think we’re doing better than others (Luke 18:11–14). In our sinfulness, we may applaud the misuse of sexuality, the addictions to things of this world, or the selfish pursuit of fame and fortune (Psalm 12:8). But the Lord sees it all. He even understands why you sin and why you struggle. He is a compassionate and understanding God. But he will not excuse your sin. He will “by no means clear the guilty” (Exodus 34:7; Numbers 14:18). Instead, God poured all your guilt upon his beloved Son. God desires to see you healed and set free so that you can enjoy his abundant life. That abundant life is never found in sinful practices.

When you repent and return to the Lord, as David did, God wraps his grace around you. He surrounds you with his love. He holds you close, protects you, and fights for you as temptations swirl around you, as the world beckons you to give up and give in. David describes God as “a hiding place…from trouble” (verse 7). What a comforting image to know that you can hide in the Lord!

Where do you hide? In denial of your sin, do you hide in your work, your addictions, or your busyness? Or do you find your hiding place in the Lord God Almighty, the one who perfectly knows you, understands you, loves you, and stands ready to receive you? May this Lenten season be one of coming back to the Lord and experiencing the safety of being surrounded by his love and grace.


Spend some time contemplating the question: Where do you hide? Are you hiding in the things of this world, or are you looking to the Lord? There is no condemnation in Christ, just the invitation to repent and return. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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Why is trust so difficult? Unlike all the broken promises of this world, God’s redeeming promises are absolute, trustworthy, and true. The covenants of God afford us with abundant reasons to trust God with his plan for our lives. Trusting God: Redeeming Promises of the Word small group Bible study explores the six major redeeming promises of God found in his Word. Learn more about God’s commitment to his people, the nature of a covenant, and how you can find your security in being a child of God’s redeeming promises. Learn more about God’s promises today.

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