What Are You Seeking?

January 25, 2023

What Are You Seeking?

What Are You Seeking?

By Brooke Holt

“One thing I have asked of the Lord; one thing I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life; To behold the fair beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.” Psalm 27:5-6 (Psalter, Book of Common Prayer) (Psalm 27:4 ESV)

If you could have five minutes face to face with the Lord today, what would you ask him? Don’t rush past this question. Ponder it for a few minutes. I immediately think of someone I love dearly who is struggling with cancer. God could heal her. Why hasn’t he answered our continuous prayers on her behalf? Or what about peace in this world? Could I request peace or maybe renewed prosperity for the country, an end to the Covid virus or the recession? With all my questions and requests, five minutes would go far too quickly!

David answers my question in the first verse of this psalm. He asked one thing of the Lord and that was to dwell in the Lord’s house every day of his life. And David wants not only to dwell there but also to look upon the glory of the Lord. What an amazing request! What is it that leads David to such a holy longing?

David spent time worshipping the Lord, remembering his faithfulness, partaking of his revealed glory. The beauty of the Lord and the presence of the Lord brought David his greatest satisfaction.

Is that true for you today? Do you long to look upon the Lord and be in his presence more than anything else? Does worship of the Lord take center place in your heart? Back to the question of your five minutes with the Lord -- would you make the same request as David did?

The things of this world can prove so captivating and appealing; however, when we compared to the joy of God’s presence, there is none. God’s glory far surpasses even the greatest joys and experiences of this world!


God longs to spend time with you. He longs to hear all your questions and requests. Bring all those things to him today, then also sit and listen. As you spend time with the Lord, see if you begin to long for him, for his kingdom, and for his presence. David’s heart was drawn to the Lord because he sought the Lord wholeheartedly. May that be true for you as well. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Recommended Resource:

The Crucified Life

Jesus’ great commission to his apostles after his resurrection was to go into all the world to preach, teach, and baptize in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From the very beginning, baptism has been understood as the doorway into this new kind of family. Explore what Jesus expects of this new family that finds its origin and purpose in him. The baptized are called into a new life of faith. From passages in Matthew to the shining examples of faith  in our passage from John, Waters of Baptism is a helpful resource for those seeking the sacrament of baptism or those who want a deeper understanding of their faith. This six week study will help us understand the importance of baptismal living.


The Crucified Life

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