Waiting with Purpose and Joy

November 11, 2021

Choose joy today!

Waiting with Purpose and Joy

By Katie Pearson

“For Christ has entered, not into holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true things, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf. … He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” – Hebrews 9:24–28

Human beings are not naturally patient, particularly when we know a good thing is coming. I remember waiting through my pregnancies. I couldn’t wait to meet my daughters and fulfill my calling as their mother. Pregnancy has a predictable timeline, but it was still difficult to be patient, particularly at the end of nine months. I started taking more walks and eating spicy food, following friends’ advice on how to safely speed up labor. If I’m honest, I became impatient and irritable, despite knowing that each day I waited ensured a better outcome.

Some things can’t be rushed, and waiting patiently is challenging. But waiting without God drains the soul. Galatians 5:22 says that patience is a “fruit of the Spirit.” God blesses his people with this virtue as they depend on Christ in faith. He graciously provides for our daily needs and his future promises—and perhaps the greatest promise in Scripture is Christ’s return. While we wait for him, how well are you living in this “in-between age”? Are you eager and expectant, or disheartened and depressed? Or perhaps a little of both?

The Lord doesn’t want us to grow weary or impatient. He wants us to live with hope and holy anticipation! Waiting on Christ’s return is not a passive activity. We don’t just try to “get through” another day—we lift our heads and fix our eyes on things above. God’s timing is perfect, and every day that passes has divine purpose to bring people to salvation, heal wounds, and prepare hearts.

So let’s glorify God by holding this great promise before us. Let’s choose joy, fulfill our callings with purpose, and become disciples who encourage others to be patient even through trials. Let’s praise God for removing our sin so we can stand before him, saved from judgment, as we wait for the return of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Lord, I confess that I have become overwhelmed by what’s happening in the world today, and I’ve lost sight of my purpose while waiting for your return. By the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me to choose joy today in the waiting. Use my life to extend your kingdom while I am blessed to be here on earth. Amen.


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Draw Near

Let's face it, the Christian life is hard. Relationships take work. Christians forget. Sometimes it is tempting to go back to the days when God was not the center of our lives - to backslide. We are all faced with tremendous pressures to drift away from intimacy with Jesus and the community of the Church. However, the Lord invites us to pay attention, to move forward, to draw near, and to live lives of worship. Draw Near: Hebrews on Christian Worship is a small group Bible study on the Book of Hebrews intended to lead participants into a deeper intimacy with the living God in the context of New Testament worship. Draw nearer to God in authentic worship today!

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