Unshakable Faith

September 16, 2022

Unshakable Faith

Unshakable Faith

By Katie Pearson

“This charge I entrust to you, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophecies previously made about you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith, among whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.” 1 Timothy 1:18–20

As we have read leading up to this passage, Paul knew that God had chosen and equipped him to be an ambassador for Christ. Despite his human limitations, Paul had the courage to move forward in faith. No question, he returned to the memory of his conversion many times to encourage him when his faith faltered. In Acts 16, following an unjust imprisonment, Paul sings hymns of praise to his Caller. Clearly, he drew strength from his story, and he could also remind Timothy that he, too, has been called by God when facing leadership challenges.

What ministry challenges are you facing today? Where do you feel inadequate? As servant leaders in Christ, we, too, must remember that God equips whom he calls.

As modern-day ambassadors for Christ, we need to ask God for an unshakable faith to step forward into whatever our unique callings require each day. Sometimes this means acting with integrity or “walking our talk,” even if others are disappointed or reject a godly decision. When we face such spiritual crossroads, we must remind ourselves that we belong to Jesus. We cannot lose what ultimately matters most (our salvation), and we aren’t expected to succeed in our ministry roles in our own strength. We didn’t create our roles, but we can say yes to pursuing them. The rest is in God’s hands. Our job is to wake up every day and remember that we have a divine assignment. When our feet hit the floor, like Timothy, we have a responsibility to say yes to whatever the day brings, with the absolute belief that God is in control and making all things new in and through his servants. We have the high calling to be willing and prepared to obey, but the outcome is always in God’s hands.

Why is an unshakable faith so important? This passage makes clear that we have an enemy who is bent on deceiving us into abandoning our path. How does he do this? By thwarting our faith, just as he did in the garden. Satan wants you to believe that your purpose doesn’t matter, that your calling isn’t from God, and that your time is better spent in more self-centered pursuits. Don’t listen to Satan. Listen to God’s Word and the affirmations Jesus chooses to confirm your calling, and don’t ever quit!

Reflection: Pause for a moment and count the cost. Is it worth believing the lies and exchanging your kingdom role for a life of comfort and ease? What would Jesus say to you? He certainly spoke through Paul to encourage Timothy by reminding him that he has a divine assignment. Exchange the enemy’s lies for God’s truth. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Recommended Resource:

Trusting God

Why is trust so difficult? Unlike all the broken promises of this world, God’s redeeming promises are absolute, trustworthy, and true. The covenants of God afford us with abundant reasons to trust God with his plan for our lives. Trusting God: Redeeming Promises of the Word small group Bible study explores the six major redeeming promises of God found in his Word. Learn more about God’s commitment to his people, the nature of a covenant, and how you can find your security in being a child of God’s redeeming promises. Learn more about God’s promises today.

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