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Pour Out Your Heart

January 29, 2021

“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah” - Psalm 62:5-8

David was, arguably, the greatest king the nation of Israel ever had. Even though he made mistakes and some of his actions brought great suffering to Israel, he was still a godly man who repented of sin and faithfully led the people entrusted to him in honoring and worshiping God. But long before David became king, he experienced trials, loss, and heartache. 

David was the man God chose to take Saul’s place as king of Israel, and it led to unprecedented persecution at the hands of a jealous and angry King Saul. He was often on the run, hiding from a man obsessed with the idea of killing him. He watched as the nation suffered under Saul’s leadership and fought valiantly to keep them safe from attacking nations like the Philistines.

Throughout his life, David never forgot or gave up on God’s call. It would have been easy, even understandable, for David to turn away from the path God told him to travel and simply fade into the background as a shepherd or a soldier. But the trials that David faced brought him into deeper relationship with the God he loved rather than causing him to turn away. David didn’t remain devoted to God’s calling out of pride or self-interest, but because of the faith he had in who God is. David’s trials, though horrible, shaped and strengthened his faith.

David invites us to do the same as he did when we face times of pain and heartache: pour out our hearts before God. Regardless of how much we seem to lose or how the world around us might crumble, our hope is in the God who formed us. Our salvation and refuge are found only in him, even on the darkest days of loss or persecution.

We may have very little in common with King David and his specific life experiences, but as our brother in Christ he fully understands what it means to go through hard times and find refuge in God. His invitation isn’t one of “making light” of whatever we might go through, but one of pouring out our hearts to the safest and most loving person we’ll ever know.

What trials or heartaches are you facing right now? Big or small, have you poured out your heart to the God who loves you? If not, I invite you to do so today.

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