Is the Lord Your Helper?

September 01, 2022

Is the Lord Your Helper?

Is the Lord Your Helper?

By Brooke Holt

“So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’ Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:6-8

As we have read throughout this week’s Scripture passages, the kingdom of God is radically opposed to and different than the kingdom of this world. How can you embrace this kingdom with all its radical values and then release the world’s ways? It is not easy! Yet, the writer of Hebrews teaches you how to embrace this new kingdom mindset. You must look to the Lord, rely on him, and then release the people and things of this world. It is not that all those people and things are bad and you cannot enjoy them. Instead, it is that the fear of God would take precedence over the people of this world.

Choosing the fear of the Lord over people is also no easy task. It is why the writer reminds you that your confidence comes when you look to the Lord as your helper. You cannot make yourself choose fear of the Lord. The world is strong, and the tentacles of sin, flesh, and power wrap around people like a hungry octopus. Thankfully, when the Lord becomes your helper, the Holy Spirit can remove each tentacle one by one until you are free of the hold. With his help and guidance, you can choose to embrace the ways of his kingdom.

Another means to the holiness of life is to learn from the faithful men and women around you. God provides Christian leaders to teach, encourage, and help you choose faithfulness. These people are gifts of the Lord to you for your spiritual nourishment and growth. So, listen, remember their words, and follow their godly examples. Just like you want to watch Tiger Woods and imitate his golf swing, you want to watch and learn from those Christians farther along in their spiritual journey than you.

Finally, the last admonition of our writer for today is to remember God never changes. He is perfectly faithful to his word, true to the very end. God will not change his kingdom or the requirements to get into that kingdom. His grace will never run dry. God’s love for you is steadfast and eternal, just like every other aspect of his character. In a world that constantly changes, the Lord never will.

With the Lord as your helper, you are guaranteed eternal joy in his kingdom. May you faithfully choose the fear of the Lord over the fear of people and allow him to guide you into his eternal kingdom.


Is the Lord your helper? How does he want to come alongside you today to remind you of his steadfast love, mercy, and grace? Ask him to empower you to live faithfully for his kingdom today and every day until he calls you home. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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