How to Build the Church

July 02, 2023

How to Build the Church

How to Build the Church

By Brooke Holt

“Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.” The Collect, Proper 8, Book of Common Prayer

In The Collect for today, we pray and proclaim that Jesus, the perfect Son of God, is at the center of the church and is the chief cornerstone. In ancient times, the cornerstone served as the foundation for a building. When we declare Jesus is that foundation for the church, we acknowledge all the church does and says must align with Jesus.

If this is true, why are churches today so diverse and disjointed? Through the years we have tried to add to God’s original foundation or sought to modify it to fit our desires or lifestyles. We know sinful people who disobey God and often hurt one another comprise the church. Church life can get quite messy, and our Christian witness to the world can get convoluted. Far too often the church loses sight of why it exists – to honor, worship, and magnify the chief cornerstone - Jesus Christ.

This prayer for today understands how beautiful and perfect the foundation of the church, Jesus, is while it also understands the waywardness of God’s people. Therefore, we pray to remember the foundation and chief cornerstone and ask that Jesus would join the myriad of sinners together in unity of spirit under his truth. Do you see this unity of spirit in your church today? What about in your denomination or in the church worldwide?

I imagine the Lord looks down upon our messiness with sadness. Our hardness of heart and pride causes us to miss his best for us. While the Lord loves his church and all the sinners gathered there, he taught the way of unity and provided the Spirit to lead us into it. It begins with going back to the foundation of God’s word and truth.

May we acknowledge the messiness of our lives and churches and submit ourselves once again to the teachings of God’s holy Word. And may we allow the Holy Spirit to convict and guide us to apply these teachings to both our individual lives and the corporate life of the church.


Allow the Holy Spirit to search you and know you today. Is there anything in your life that is out of alignment with the chief cornerstone? There is no condemnation in Jesus Christ. Instead, you will find mercy and healing. Corporate healing often begins with individual healing. Let it begin today! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Related Resource:

The Spirit-Filled Life

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit a "gift" who will guide us, lead us, and empower us. Yet many believers don't experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This unique Christian small group Bible study provides a space in which we can explore what it truly means to "walk in the Spirit" on a daily basis. The Spirit-Filled Life small group curriculum centers on a 6-part video teaching series examining the life-giving and creative work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Begin to experience the gift today!


Honest Prayer

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