How to Become A Great Evangelist

March 17, 2023

How to Become a Great Evangelist

How to Become a Great Evangelist

By Brooke Holt

“So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, ‘Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?’ They went out of the town and were coming to him.” John 4:29-30

Everyone loves a good story! We listen to stories on the news, stories involving great athletes or movie stars, stories about the days of old. Stories abound in our world. Some are true while others are not. And we all listen with an eager yet discerning ear.

Just imagine yourself hearing the woman at the well tell her story. This woman was well-known in town though not for the right reasons. She was the woman people avoided. She seemed to have a “man” problem as she had been married to five different men and was now living with another man who was not her husband. Now the text does not tell us what happened to these other husbands. Maybe they all died. Whatever happened to her husbands, this woman hid herself from the townspeople in shame. She knew she was not welcome due to her unusual situation. Thus, she travelled alone to the well at noon while the rest of the women went together early in the morning.

After her encounter with Jesus, this same woman, who avoided the townspeople at all costs, ran straight into town and told them all about the person of Jesus. What happened? Jesus saw her, saw right through her pain and shame, and offered her living water. This water cleansed, healed, and restored her. Clearly, Jesus worked a miracle in this woman’s life, and she had to share it with others.

The once isolated woman invites the townspeople to come and meet Jesus. Finding her story so compelling, many Samaritans took the long walk to the well at the heat of the day when they avoided such travel. There they met a Jewish man who was the Christ, the Savior of the world, even for the Samaritans. Without hearing the woman at the well’s story, how would they have known to come to the well and meet Jesus? How would they have heard his message of salvation?

Jesus loves to turn messes into miracles! The woman at the well had been a mess but after meeting Jesus she was a miracle. Telling her miracle story compelled others to come to Jesus. She became a great evangelist just by telling what Jesus had done for her.

Are you ready and willing to become a great evangelist? It can be as easy as sharing your testimony with a friend or colleague. It can be inviting someone to come and hear the Gospel at church or your small group. It is amazing what sharing your story can do!


Evangelism can be an intimidating word, but it is not meant to be! How is Jesus calling you to share your story today? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Recommended Resource:

A Living Hope

Could you use some hope right now? Join Peter’s first audience—“elect exiles” undergoing persecution—and experience the apostle’s powerful call to follow Jesus in the midst of life’s challenges, knowing your Living Hope is not a distant one, but a daily, glorious, life-giving reality! This unique six-week small group Bible study, A Living Hope: A Study of 1 Peter, helps you uncover the priceless promises written specifically to the struggling and the hurting, with pastoral gentleness and bold confidence for the future. This study of 1 Peter will help you become utterly convinced that Jesus is the only sure, true, incorruptible, and permanent hope for you.


The Resurrected Life


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