How Can You Learn to Trust the Lord?

January 24, 2023

How Can You Learn to Trust the Lord?

How Can You Learn to Trust the Lord?

By Brooke Holt

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 (The Psalter, Psalm 27, Book of Common Prayer)

I have often heard that even worse than the Covid-19 pandemic we have faced is the lingering pandemic of fear. People remain deathly afraid of the virus and of others as one of them may be carrying it. Life certainly looks and feels quite different this New Year than just three years ago when Covid-19 invaded our lives. Scientists have worked diligently on the vaccine to Covid-19 and other diseases. Is there something that could make us immune to this prevalent fear?

In Psalm 27, David is also experiencing great fear. Yet, instead of seeking relief in social media, vaccines, or substances, David turns to the Lord. In this first line of the psalm, it almost seems as if David is talking to himself, asking himself questions, then telling himself the truth that would dispel the fear: if God was his light and his salvation, what would there be to fear? No darkness in the world could overcome God’s light and death had no hold on a man who entrusted his future and his life unto the Lord.

Reminding himself of these truths allowed David to break through the stronghold of fear and experience the strength that comes in trusting God. Again, there is more internal dialogue that he shares: “of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1). Darkness, death, and people had no power over David as he put his whole-hearted trust in the Lord. How did David develop this trust?

David’s trust was built upon his experiences with the Lord. In this writing, David explains that sharing one’s faith story often must begin with oneself. David reminded himself of how God had come through for him, then he proclaimed to others his stories of God’s faithfulness and deliverance. Each time David told his story, his own faith grew. He remembered God’s goodness and spoke of his assurance that God would continue to be good and to make the way for David.

Do you do this? Do you look back over the past month, year, and decade and look for God’s presence and work in your life? When you do, do you marvel in God’s faithfulness? Then do you share your stories with others? If you find yourself lacking in faith today, take some time to remember your story with the Lord. Once you remember that story, tell it to someone else. It will bless them and you!


Take some time to remember your faith journey. Maybe journal some experiences you had with the Lord throughout 2022 (or before). Sit with those; remember God’s faithfulness; allow your trust to grow; and then go share your story with a trusted friend. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. 

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The Crucified Life

The Crucified Life small group Christian study is designed to reflect upon the Seven Last Words of Christ from the cross and what they mean for us today. Walk the road of Calvary with Jesus in order to grow closer to Him. The Crucified Life small group study examines human suffering as it is mirrored in Christ’s suffering on the cross and what His seven last words say to a hurting world. Find out incredible insights into these words as Jesus teaches us, even in death, how we can use our suffering and triumph over it for His glory. Begin your Crucified Life today.



Waters of Baptism

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