Have You Been Set Free from the Bondage of Sin?

December 11, 2022

Have You Been Set Free from the Bondage of Sin?

Have You Been Set Free from the Bondage of Sin?

By Brooke Holt

“Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and forever. Amen.” Collect for the Third Sunday in Advent. The Book of Common Prayer.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, let’s take a moment to remember where we would be without him – stuck in our sins instead of hindered by our sins. The Lord has provided the only way out of sin and darkness through Jesus. What an amazing gift to receive!

The Collect prays today that God’s gift of deliverance is not just a one-time experience. Salvation comes immediately and completely as we put our trust in the salvific work of Jesus; however, the grace and mercy of Jesus are continually being poured out upon us. That grace and mercy are the antidotes to shame, guilt, and brokenness. This is why we pray to have the Lord stir up his power in us today and every day until Jesus comes again.

Have you looked to Jesus as your Savior? If so, are you looking continually to him for his mercy and grace? In this world, sin will continue to abound, but thanks be to God that his grace abounds even more! May you drink deeply of the gifts of grace and mercy today.


Lord, we do ask that you stir up your power in us and through us -- that sin would be cleansed, bondages would be broken, and we would live for your glory. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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Honest Prayer

Our honest prayer before God is evidence that we understand the ways He loves, cherishes, sees, and hears us. Through prayer, we can acknowledge with Hagar, “You are the living One who sees me” (Genesis 16:14). When we pray, we are affirming the same. Why do we often hide from this privilege? Why do we avoid God, the One who sees us as we are and stands ready to provide and answer us in his holy, timely way? In this 8-week study on the prayers of Job, Ruth, Hannah, and David, grow your prayer life by facing your honest need and bringing your whole self before God. Acknowledging God as the One who guides your path can change your heart. It can take you past fear and into faith, strength, and hope.  Learn more about Honest Prayer. 

 Ignite Bible Study Media

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