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Does God Heal Today?

December 14, 2022

Does God Heal Today?

Does God Heal Today?

By Brooke Holt

“The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous”
(Psalm 146:8).

In Psalm 146, King David rejoices in God as the Creator of the heavens and the earth. As the Creator, the Lord has power over all things. Not only does he have power, but he has love for his creation. You are one of his amazing creations, and you are perfectly loved by your Creator, Redeemer, and Lord.

God sees into every aspect of your being, and he understands you with a perfect wisdom. He sees your bondages and knows the faithful way through those bondages. He sees your blindness and longs to open your eyes to see as he does. The Lord has healing for your body, your mind, and your spirit. We know this is true today because it has always been true for God’s people.

Back when the Israelites could not break their bondages and make the way for healing, the Lord saw them (see Exodus 2:24). And the Lord had the plan for the salvation and healing of his people. Through his mighty hand, the Israelites were delivered from the land of Egypt. Sadly, their need for deliverance did not end there.

For hundreds of years, the Lord promised to send the Messiah. Over two thousand years ago, he fulfilled that promise in the birth of Jesus Christ. And Jesus faithfully delivered God’s people once again. The ministry of Jesus was all about setting the prisoners free from their spiritual oppression, healing the eyes of the blind, and humbling those who were proud while elevating those who humbled themselves before him.

Jesus was and is the fulfillment of God’s promises. Now, the question is whether you see the fulfillment of them in your life today. Are you looking to Jesus for spiritual freedom; are you seeking to have him open your eyes; and do you live your life humbly before him? The healing of the Lord did not end with Jesus; in fact, the Lord longs to fulfill the words of this scripture in your life today!


Where do you need God’s healing touch today? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Recommended Resource:

The Spirit-Filled Life

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit a "gift" who will guide us, lead us, and empower us. Yet many believers don't experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This unique Christian small group Bible study provides a space in which we can explore what it truly means to "walk in the Spirit" on a daily basis. The Spirit-Filled Life small group curriculum centers on a 6-part video teaching series examining the life-giving and creative work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Begin to experience the gift today! 


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