Do You Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness?

November 08, 2023

Do You Hunger and Thirst For Righteousness?

Do You Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness?

By Brooke Holt

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5:6

What do you hunger for at the core of your being - significance, recognition, love, affirmation, to be known? What drives you? Where do you spend your money? Where do you spend your time? What consumes your thoughts? The answers to those questions often indicate what you truly hunger and thirst for at the core of your being.

Jesus, as the triune God, knows exactly how mankind is created. He knows we are created for all those things - significance, influence, love, affirmation, knowing and being known - yet the deepest needs within us will never be truly satisfied until they are brought before the Lord. As Pascal famously said: "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee."

Despite our best efforts, we can never achieve righteousness before a holy, holy, holy God. God alone is righteous. Jesus modeled how to live a righteous life. We can seek to emulate him, but we will find we always fall short. What Jesus gave us through his death on the cross was a righteousness that is not our own; it is one we could never earn or achieve through our efforts. Instead, it is righteousness attained through surrender. When we give our lives to the Lord, when we put our trust in his finished work on the cross, then we are cleansed of all our unrighteousness and clothed in the righteous work of Jesus. When the Lord looks at us, he sees the righteousness of Jesus. What an amazing gift!

So, I will ask you again. For what do you hunger and thirst - the things of this world or the righteousness of Christ? The world will never truly satisfy, but those who hunger and thirst for the righteousness of Christ will be satisfied by looking to him. May we be found wearing his robes of righteousness today!


Take a few minutes to allow the Lord to search your heart, the depths of your longings and desires. What does he find at the core of your being? Can you surrender your earthly desires to him and ask him to make his desires your desires? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Recommended Resources:

The King Is Coming

Awaken the awe and the wonder of Advent! “The King Is Coming” is a 4-week Advent devotional especially written with a child’s heart in mind. It takes families through the salvation story by focusing on who God is, the gift of Jesus, and the importance of celebrating and sharing that miraculous gift! Bring your family together this Advent season for a journey exploring God’s big love for you.  



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