Are You Walking in the Light of the Lord?

December 03, 2022

Are You Walking in the Light of the Lord?

Are You Walking in the Light of the Lord?

By Brooke Holt

“O children of God, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord” (Isaiah 2:5).

We started this week with the Collect calling us to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the armor of light. In our passage for today, Isaiah calls the people of God to live in the light of the Lord. The prophetic word of the Lord through Isaiah was to turn from sin, corruption, unfaithfulness, and violence – the darkness – and to turn back to the Lord.

The call of this season of Advent is the same – repent of your unrighteousness, turn from the darkness of this world, and turn back to the way of Jesus Christ. This is repentance. Long ago, a preacher described repentance as traveling down the road in one direction then realizing you were headed the opposite direction of your intended destination. You can keep traveling the wrong way, or you can get off the interstate and turn towards your destination. Repentance is that recognition that you are headed in the wrong direction followed by a deliberate turning around, turning away from the corrupt ways of the world and turning back to Jesus Christ.

Many people have forgotten that this season of Advent is one of repentance. The words of Isaiah are for you today, for this season, and until Jesus comes again!


Jesus is the light of the world. How can you walk more fully in his light today, this week, and throughout this season of Advent through the practice of repentance? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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Honest Prayer

Our honest prayer before God is evidence that we understand the ways He loves, cherishes, sees, and hears us. Through prayer, we can acknowledge with Hagar, “You are the living One who sees me” (Genesis 16:14). When we pray, we are affirming the same. Why do we often hide from this privilege? Why do we avoid God, the One who sees us as we are and stands ready to provide and answer us in his holy, timely way? In this 8-week study on the prayers of Job, Ruth, Hannah, and David, grow your prayer life by facing your honest need and bringing your whole self before God. Acknowledging God as the One who guides your path can change your heart. It can take you past fear and into faith, strength, and hope.  Learn more about Honest Prayer. 




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