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Are You Speaking God’s Love Language?

January 23, 2022

The law of the Lord is perfect.

Are You Speaking God’s Love Language?

By Brooke Holt

“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.” – Psalm 19:7-9

A couple of weeks ago, our church enjoyed a healing prayer weekend. While I had many takeaways from this blessed time together, these are the words that have played in my mind repeatedly: “God’s love language is obedience.” Isn’t that the clear message of the psalmist today?

The Lord revealed his ways to Moses so that Moses could instruct the people. Every law provided by the Lord was one to protect the Israelites and to ground them in his love and holiness. God’s plan has always been that his people would flourish, and he knows that flourishing occurs through adherence to his ways. God’s law is perfect and brings life to the soul. Every word the Lord has spoken is for your good, to lead you in wisdom and righteousness.

Is this how you view God’s law? As people made in God’s image, we have great minds, passionate hearts, and creative wills. While these things can be glorious, they can also lead to pride, sin, and stubbornness. Throughout history, God’s people have forgotten the Creator and his commandments in order is to pursue their own will and ways. Just look at the Old Testament!

Thankfully, the steadfast love of the Lord is perfect, and he made the way for us to understand his law. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the external tablets of the law become internally written on our hearts. And still, the Lord gives us the choice to heed the Holy Spirit leading to obedience or to dismiss the convictions of the Holy Spirit.

God’s law is perfect today just as it was thousands of years ago. In obeying his law, you will find life and life abundant. Not only that, in choosing to obey God’s law you will be speaking his love language. Have you ever considered how much delight the Lord takes in his people who choose to obey, who choose to walk in his will, who choose to embrace the abundant life he has offered in his Son Jesus Christ?

How do you respond to the teaching of God’s law and to the convictions of the Holy Spirit? Are there ways in which the Lord would like to soften your heart towards his law and will? Do you know and believe that God’s law is there to bring you abundant life? He loves you and want to see you thrive in this life and the life to come! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


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Pilgrim's Path

Follow the ancient way of the Psalms and find the life God has for you. A model for vibrant worship, the Psalms provide practical wisdom to traverse the circuitous path of life with trust and hope. Pilgrim’s Path: A Study of the Psalms traces our spiritual walk with God—from discovery and delight, through doubt and disappointment, into joyful confidence. Whether used for individual or group study, Pilgrim’s Path is for everyone who seeks to know and love God more and find life in him.

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