Are You Receiving God's Salvation?

February 26, 2023

Are You Receiving God's Salvation?

Are You Receiving God's Salvation?

By Brooke Holt

“Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan: Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations; and, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.” The Collect for the First Sunday in Lent, The Book of Common Prayer. 

“You don’t understand me; you don’t understand what I am going through.” These are words frequently spoken by struggling people. In their pain and frustration, they feel alone and misunderstood if not missed altogether. The message of pain is that you are alone, something is wrong with you, God has forgotten you, and no one cares.

The Collect for today and the readings for this week speak a different message. Jesus, the Son of God, experienced temptation, isolation, being misunderstood, rejection – he experienced these things from his best friends, enemies, and even his own family members. Jesus understands your temptations. He understands your pain and feelings of loneliness because Jesus has felt the same things.

Thankfully, in Jesus, we see one who persevered and overcame every temptation and trial. In this prayer of The Collect, we cry out to the Lord who sees, knows, and understands our many predicaments. We need to be seen and understood, but the prayer goes beyond that as it beckons the Lord to help us in those times of temptation and trial.

Notice there is no shame in needing help. The Lord knows our weaknesses. That is why he sent his Son to make the way for our salvation: “let each one find you mighty to save”. (Today's Collect)  Salvation begins with our confession of faith and continues in this journey of life. The Lord saves us from our sin, death, and Satan while he also stands ready to carry us through the trials we experience throughout life.

As this season of Lent invites you to wrestle with fleshly desires and temptations, are you finding the Lord mighty to save? Are you turning to him in your times of need and trial? Do you trust that he sees you, knows you, and understands your weaknesses? Beyond those things, are you ready for him to help you overcome? You are never alone and never without help. The Lord’s eyes are always on you (read Psalm 139:1-4).


Meditate on these words of Psalm 139:1-4. How does the Lord want to intervene in your temptations or trials today? He is truly “mighty to save"! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Recommended Resource:

A Living Hope

Could you use some hope right now? Join Peter’s first audience—“elect exiles” undergoing persecution—and experience the apostle’s powerful call to follow Jesus in the midst of life’s challenges, knowing your Living Hope is not a distant one, but a daily, glorious, life-giving reality! This unique six-week small group Bible study, A Living Hope: A Study of 1 Peter, helps you uncover the priceless promises written specifically to the struggling and the hurting, with pastoral gentleness and bold confidence for the future. This study of 1 Peter will help you become utterly convinced that Jesus is the only sure, true, incorruptible, and permanent hope for you.


The Resurrected Life

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