Are You Accepted by God?

August 29, 2023

Are You Accepted by God?

Are You Accepted by God?

By Brooke Holt

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Romans 12:1

Human beings long to belong and to be wanted and enjoyed. This has become especially evident to me this past week. My beloved niece has been going through rush as a freshman in college. While I confess to being biased, I find my niece exceptional. Incredibly smart, talented, and truly kind; she has a beautiful heart for the Lord and for people; she is also quite beautiful! Yet, despite all these qualities, she has been dropped by many sororities throughout this process. I have prayed constantly for her to end up in just the right sorority with girls who will accept her, love her, and delight in her. And what a relief to report – God has been so faithful! Today, she received a bid from her first choice.

My niece allowed herself to be vulnerable to rejection by going through rush. She felt the risk was worth it in her quest to find community at her new school. If you are honest, you end up in vulnerable situations even if you do not acknowledge or admit it. You are vulnerable when you visit a new church, start a new job, get married, move, etc. We always have the inherent desire to find acceptance in these new places and roles while facing the risk of rejection. It can be challenging and exhausting to feel this vulnerability.

Thankfully, you have one who calls you to be vulnerable, but with whom you face no risk of rejection. When you turn to Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life, you are accepted and then adopted as his beloved child. Not only does he accept you, but he cleanses you from all sin through his blood. You are declared holy and righteous by him. Jesus loves you and delights in you. In fact, nothing you can do can cause you to lose his love or salvation. In Christ, you get to experience the joy of assurance and eternal security.

The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Romans so they could embrace the freedom of Christ, the freedom of being fully accepted and loved by the King of kings. He wants you to experience the same freedom! Despite anything you have done or not done, you are “holy and acceptable to God” in Christ. Allow the Lord to pour out his love and assurance on you today.


Are you living in the freedom of being fully accepted by God or are you still performing or seeking to win his favor? As Graham Cooke prayed in his “Inheritance” clip: “There is nothing you can do to make him love you more and there is nothing that you can do to make him love you less. He loves you because he loves you because he loves you.” We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Recommended Resource:

The Great "I AM"

Come explore the grand story of God as the one who knows and loves his people. In one of the greatest love stories ever told, The Book of Exodus reveals God as Yahweh, the Great “I AM.” He is the transcendent, all-powerful creator of all things who defeated the greatest powers of the earth. This same God would have his people know and love him in an intimate and personal way. The Great “I AM” – A Study of the Book of Exodus is a 9-week study consisting of a small group study guide combined with weekly video teachings.  Come and meet The Great “I AM”.


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