Abba! Father!

December 31, 2020

Galatians 4:4-7: "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, 'Abba! Father!' So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God."

One of the most precious relationships in this world is that between a father and his daughter. I am very blessed to watch my husband and my daughter enjoy this special relationship. Even though she is almost twenty now, it is not unusual to see Ashton snuggled up next to her dad watching TV. They love to discuss theology, good coffee, and postings of our dog on Instagram. My daughter knows that she is deeply loved by her father. She knows that he is for her and that he longs to support her, protect her, and to see her flourish.

Charlie's heart for Ashton reflects God's heart for you. The Lord cares for you deeply. He longs to be a safe place for you, a place to go both in trouble and in good times. The Lord wants to protect you, guide you, and see you flourish in this world and the next. God is for you and not against you!

The Lord designed us with a need to be loved, especially by our earthly parents. The love of our parents can reflect the love of our heavenly Father in that they are the ones who bring us into this world, care for us, lead us, and are committed to us throughout the good years and the difficult years. We are designed for intimacy in this parent-child relationship. More importantly, we are designed for this intimacy with the Father. Even though our earthly parents sometimes let us down or fail in this relationship, our heavenly Father never does. Abba is the intimate name for Father; it implies a tender, close relationship. In Israel today, you can still hear the children crying out "Abba, Abba," meaning "Daddy, Daddy!"

Are you living in this intimate relationship with the Father? Are you secure in his love, his care, his provision, and his presence with you? Through the gift of his Son, the Lord has made the way for you. This Christmas season, may we fully embrace the fullness of this gift and live in an intimate relationship with the heavenly Father.

If you are not living in this intimate relationship, it is an ideal time to ask the Lord what he wants to do in your heart. It may be that you need his healing touch. Get quiet with him today and ask him to open your heart to his tender love and care.

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