What Is the Resurrected Life and How Do I Live It?

What Is the Resurrected Life and How Do I Live it?

April 19, 2022


Why Should I Do an Easter Study?

Why Should I Do an Easter Study?

April 05, 2022 1 Comment


Considering a Lenten Discipline

What Does It Mean to Observe A Holy Lent? Consider These Spiritual Disciplines

February 22, 2022


The Crucified Life: Seven Words from the Cross

A Lenten Study

February 08, 2022

This Lent, you are invited to take a journey into the heart of the crucified life. Jesus challenged his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23).


Walk a Pilgrim's Path through the Psalms this Lent

Walk a Pilgrim’s Path through the Psalms this Lent

January 25, 2022

Every year in Jerusalem, followers of Christ (pilgrims) walk the “Way of Suffering” or the path of Jesus through Jerusalem during Holy Week or the week preceding Easter. This week from the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday marks the end of the 40-day season of Lent.


5 Questions Every Small Group Leader Should Be Asking

5 Questions Every Small Group Leader Should Be Asking

December 14, 2021

From how-to projects to best-loved recipes, we love to use handy shortcuts or magic formulas. The same is true when we start a small group. What are the top tips? What are the best practices? As Christians, we don’t have to guess.


Help us share the truths of Scripture with others.

Giving Tuesday 2021—Blessed to Be a Blessing!

November 30, 2021

As a small 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we depend on donations as well as sales of our materials to continue to provide you with the biblical tools you enjoy. We are passionate about ending biblical illiteracy and equipping the saints to know, live, and share the good news of Christ all around the world.


Top 5 Bible Study Books

How To Choose a Bible Study

October 26, 2021

Many of us have heard the phrase, “If the shoe fits, wear it.” The same goes for Bible studies. What is the best Bible Study “fit” for you? What is the best Bible study for your small group? I have always looked for specific, concrete answers to these questions.


cross in 9/11 rubble

Persevering Faith

September 14, 2021

How did they get through such loss? By continually reminding themselves of God’s promise of a better possession. Their faith was strengthened by the courage and confidence required of them in trials. When we aren’t forced to stand strong publicly for the faith, it’s actually easier to fall away.


Drawing Near

Drawing Near

July 20, 2021

What is the preacher of the sermon to the Hebrews exhorting us to do? He is challenging us to worship, pure and simple. The book of Hebrews is an exhortation to a deep, abiding worship of the Living God, in and through Jesus Christ.


Social Distancing

Don’t Let Social Distancing Become Spiritual Distancing

July 06, 2021

Because the pandemic torpedoed our old habits, we formed new ones, and the trouble with habits is they are more than temporary diversions, they are permanent fixtures we arrange our lives around. It will take more than simply hanging out a REOPENED FOR BUSINESS sign to draw us out of them. Good luck luring us off our sofas, off our stationary bikes, and out of our comfy home offices.


Online Bible Studies to Bring Resurrection Hope to Your Congregation

Online Bible Studies | Bring Resurrection Hope to Your Congregation | Bible Study Media

April 02, 2020

In this season of fear of illness, quarantine, and shelter-in-place orders, we find ourselves facing a long period of isolation. We are anticipating weeks, or even months, of being unable to go to church or meeting with our regular study groups. Yet our hearts and souls need inspiration and encouragement now more than ever! As a pastor or group leader, you need new tools to help lead your people during this uncertain time.

Our team at Bible Study Media has been working over the last two weeks to convert our studies into an online format to meet the new requirements of today’s circumstances. We have created an online community forum, which will serve as our online home for community and courses. We want to offer this online forum to your ministries and congregations as an Easter resource for virtual small groups. We have two courses to offer for Easter: The Resurrected Life: Making All Things New (Fr. Charlie Holt, author) and our brand-new forthcoming study, A Living Hope: A Study of 1 Peter (Sarah Viggiano Wright, author). Many more online courses will be available soon.

Our Platform Offers:

  • A Dedicated and Unique Group and Course for only your ministry or congregation. You can invite your members and their friends and family into a private online forum customized with your name and brand. As the host, you are in control of your group and course.
  • Customization: You can use the platform to organize virtual small groups, Sunday School classes, Wednesday night classes, etc. As the host, you have the ability to customize the site for your specific group. You can add your own articles and posts, set up your own live teaching, or host discussion events. You can make it as personal as you want for your congregation.
  • Events: Through the events feature, you can organize the events that are unique to your ministry group and course. If you have a group of virtual small group hosts organized, you can schedule out their meeting times for others to join.
  • Articles and Posts: Because this is a dedicated and unique group, you can use the platform to create your own devotional reflections, post announcements, provide encouragements, and ask questions that are private to your group.
  • Low Maintenance: You do not have to distribute books or handle payments (the platform and Bible Study Media team takes care of all of that). That way, you can focus on your members and building community.

Each study has:

  • Daily Devotions with Scripture reading assignments and reflection questions.
  • Weekly teaching videos with deeper study questions for engagement of the lesson and personal application.
  • A Study Guide to accompany the weekly videos and help guide group discussion.
  • Physical copies of the books are available but optional for each week. There is a link provided if people want to order copies of the physical books. Amazon will handle distribution.

Here is how it works:

Step One: You will be invited into a clergy host group. From there, we will organize and set up your private congregation group. The fee to join is $79.99; this fee covers the cost of setting up your private branded group and course. NOTE: It takes one full week to process a new group and course.

Step Two: Each congregation will be given a unique invitation to a private group and a private version of the course so that you can uniquely minister to your flock. Within your private group, you can customize your site, set up your events, and schedule church-wide notices of your teachings related to the course.

Step Three: You will use your private link to invite the members of your congregation into the study. They will be prompted to set up their profile and log in. They will be then automatically placed in your private group and course. Anyone that you invite can join. You can share it on your website, email, and social media. Each individual will be charged $9.99 upon registration for the cost of the course.


Our team is available every step of the way as you are getting familiar with this new tool for ministry. We also have the Clergy Host Group where we can all share ideas and figure out this new way of doing life together online—the Body of Christ helping the Body of Christ.

We would love to have the opportunity to serve your ministry. The first step is to join the Clergy Host Group. Let our team begin setting up your unique and dedicated ministry group and course so you can start inviting your members into a meaningful Easter Season.

To help you better understand our offering, we will host six Zoom Webinars over the next week. Please plan to join us at one of these times. Click the link to register:

Friday, 4/3 at 2:00 pm CST

Monday 4/6 at 1:00 pm CST

Tuesday 4/7 at 3:00 pm CST

Wednesday, 4/8 at 9:00 am CST

Thursday 4/9 at 2:00 pm CST

Friday 4/10 at 10:00 am CST    

We hope to see you there!