Quiz: Are You Cut Out To Be a Small Group Host?

May 03, 2016

One of the top comments Church Leaders hear when encouraging church members to be small group leaders is: "Are you sure I'm who you want? I don't think I'd be good at this at all." The answer lies within the results of this simple quiz you can take (or send to your parishioners) to help potential Small Group Leaders discern if they'd be successful in the role. So... are you cut out to be a Small Group host? Take this quiz to find out:
  1. Do you care about others?
  2. Do you have/know of a space where a group of people could meet in front of a television?
  3. Do you have access to water and snacks?
  4. Can you turn on a DVD player and press 'play'?
If you answered "yes" to these questions... then you meet the four HOST qualifications:

H - Heart for others O - Open your home S - Serve basic refreshments T - Turn on your DVD player

Many potential hosts are concerned about the things that Martha would've been concerned about in Luke 1o: "My home isn't tidy enough!" "I'll need to make a big meal for everyone!" "I won't have enough help!" Jesus answers all of those fears: "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her(Luke 10:41-42, NLT). As a Small Group Host, your ultimate job is the same as the one the Lord designed for both Mary and Martha: humbly provide a place for all (yourself included) to sit at the feet of Jesus in a spirit of worship and learning. If you're still not sure, consider this: Jesus entered the world in a barn. He sat upon a donkey as He entered Jerusalem. He always valued relational communion with God and community over pomp and grandeur. Why should your Small Group be any different? Knowing all this, here's your Pop Quiz Bonus Question: Is He calling you? If you've decided to host a Small Group, but aren't sure where to go next, check out our library of Small Group Leader Webinars, or see if The Christian Life Trilogy might be the perfect study to begin with your Small Group!

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