John Carr

July 13, 2017

Although we used the materials differently with our group of 17-20 than you did it worked well.  We met every Wednesday night in Lent for Dinner and a Movie.  We opened with a prayer, I gave an overview of the evenings subject and used one of more of your listed questions as introductory thoughts to the DVD.  Your DVD messages were really excellent.  Your last one really gave new meaning to the Nike saying of JUST DO IT.   Now we just need to find our IT.  Good thought.

A new family of 5 has joined our church and made each Wednesday evening.  One will be our first baptism in a long time this Easter Vigil and two will be confirmed in May.  Another fellow made all of them and is a new member.  He said that he has looked for a church for 9 years and finally found a church home with us.  He said he appreciated the intellectual foundation of our faith.  He referred to my sermons that made him think rather than being told what to think.  He is also a fan of yours and really liked your DVD.  You have done a good thing for the Kingdom with your series.

John Carr

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