Hope Schmidt

July 13, 2017

Dear Rev. Holt –
The Bible Study group of women – WOW (Women of the Word) – from New Smyrna Beach came to hear you and worship the Lord with you all at St. Peter’s back in May 2016. We had finished one of your Trilogy and were very inspired. (Your Trilogy is so infused with God’s Word – I know they say it slows the progress of the reader to cite the fluency “address” of the verses. But personally it stops my fluency to look in the back or to try to find where they read those words in Scripture.) The study was another stepping stone on our path to completeness or spiritual maturity. Thank you so much for your obedience to Him in writing them! We all felt that the videos were a wonderful accompanying blessing – especially since they were not a professional, glitzy, movie star enhanced fraud – but real people, real life, real time in response to our real God.

Fondly, Hope Schmidt

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