Crucified Life for Lent

September 23, 2019

Lent begins, Ash Wednesday, March 6, 2019.  This is traditionally a time to step back from the grind of daily life and take a moment for self-examination, repentance, and a return to the Lord. Churches can lead their congregations into this special time by providing opportunities to journey into the desert of Lent. The Crucified Life study does just that by listening to Christ' last teachings from the cross. This 7 week study examines each of the Last Seven Words of Christ and how even in death Jesus teaches us how to pick up our cross and follow Him. Each session is accompanied by a 15 minute teaching that connects the Scripture with our struggles today. Preview the video sessions here. If you're interested in starting a church-wide campaign this Lent, contact us at and we'll show you how.

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